Engineered Flooring
The new Engineered products that are 20 to 22mm in thickness that have
5.5 to 6.0mm wear layers are susceptible to failure or problems with excessive
movement. Any mistakes during the installation or inferior materials for
example glue or sub floor preparation are punished with this product with a
less than ideal look. Most of the manufacturers say these products are suitable
but there are few that don't suffer with some kind of issue when used with
under floor heating. This is our experience of looking at many cases as part of
our independent inspection service that we offer as expert witnesses when
problems do occur. Engineered floors are more stable and suitable for under
floor heating but to avoid problems from our experience, it is advisable to not
exceed 13mm to 16mm in thickness. They are no more inferior to the 20mm to 22mm
engineered products, others may disagree. However you cannot argue with facts
that in the last 10 years I have never seen an engineered under 16mm suffer
with problems over under floor heating. However I currently look at or advice on approximately
one floor per month, that is suffering problems of excessive shrinkage or
warping and de-lamination issues, only over under floor heating in the 20 to 22mm range. We feel
it is all about picking the right flooring process of installation and the correct
floor for a successful installation.
Visit our website for more details or call for an Independent Inspection
should you require this service